
YOHO ...2, 1!

Well friends, it's Friday! For all my fellow students, it's finanally the end of dead week and I hope you all still find yourselves alive (har!)
Here is the last post of my YOHO Top 10 countdown, and it's the two things that I will miss most about living in Lincoln...enjoy!

2. My roommate
As an incoming freshman, I had three choices for my new roommate. Another volleyball player, a regular
student, or an athlete from another sport. 
I took Option C, and it's one of the best decisions I've ever made. My coach got together with the golf coach and decided that newcomer Madeleine Sheils from Boise, Idaho and I would be a good match because of our character and strong shared interest in academics.

Little did I know, my roommate of Smith 810 would become one of my dearest friends in Lincoln. 
After surviving a whirlwind freshman year in a 12 x 12 box without a TV, we decided to get an off-campus apartment together. We finally settled on Lakeside, and have called it home ever since!
 (See #6) 
You name it, we have literally been through it together. 

Performance frustrations, teammate and friend drama, nosy parents, boys boys boys, academics, life plans, laughing without breathing, countless inside jokes moments of success, embarrassing lows, 15 hour drives across the country, and even free falling 12,000 feet. I could have not asked for a better roommate, and the Lord certainly answered my prayers with this one!

Maddie is quite the golfer and will graduate from the University in December 2012. However, she has decided to turn pro, earn a spot on the LPGA tour, and she will DEFINITELY be one to keep an eye on! She begins her Big 10 Championship tourney today...so wish her a little luck :)

Although we will be miles and states apart, I know that I can always call her up for an honest and thoughtful opinon, a listening ear, and someone to join in my sarcastic sense of humor. 
Huge thanks to her for putting up with me and my craziness for four years...
There's no one I would have rather "grown up" with! :) 

1. My fellow Huskers
It's funny how fast relationships can form from the most unlikely situations. I truly believe that the Lord puts people in your life for a reason, and that's certainly true of my college experience. A majority of  my good friends I have met through UNL, and I couldn't have asked for neater people.

Some of them I've met through the dorms, my classes, hanging around the Hewit, or meeting at totally random places. Whatever the case, I adore the people I've met on this journey, and love spending time with each of them.

After this month, a majority of us will part ways but hopefully we will be able to keep in touch throughout the years. Our generation has plagued by social media, but hopefully we can use it to our advantage to somewhat keep updated on each others' lives as our paths grow farther apart.

Some friends have already moved away to different states, and I'm truly lucky to say that I know someone in almost every corner of the country! When I am older (and have a substantially larger bank account), I
can't WAIT to take trips to visit old college pals, catch up, and reminisce about our "glory days."

Somebody once told me that the more you hang around someone, the more like them you become. Therefore, the goal is to surround yourself with positive people that inspire and encourage you to be the best version of yourself that you can be. I believe each of the people in these pictures has shaped me for the better, and I hope all of your friends do the same for you. I've learned to never take for granted the time you have with someone, because you never know when it will end! Tell one of your friends how much you love and appreciate their company today :)

And so, the countdown is complete! For those of you who are familiar with ESPN's Top 10, you know they always have a "Best of the Best" at the end of each segment. So, you guys as my readers have a chance to tell me what you think is our "Best of the Best" memory together here at UNL or in the last four years. It can be any of the above, or remind me of another time...I'd love to hear 'em!

As you can see, I've had quite the magical journey, one that I couldn't have dreamed of planning out for myself. I've been so blessed to Build so many Briges these last few years by meeting incredible people, forming solid relationships, and accomplishing "impossible" feats. I'm so thankful for all the opportunities the Lord has given me, and can't WAIT to see what He has in store for my future!

Until next time,

This is a perfect verse and reminder for this particular fraction in time: 

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 

"For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:
a time to be born, and a time to die;
a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted;
a time to kill, and a time to heal;
a time to break down, and a time to build up;
a time to weep, and a time to laugh;
a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
a time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together;
a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
a time to seek, and a time to lose;
a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
a time to tear, and a time to sew;
a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
a time to love, and a time to hate;
a time for war, and a time for peace."


YOHO ...4, 3...

Today is my LAST official day of class as a UNL student and it's quite the bittersweet accomplishment. 
#4 and #3 define what I was proud to call myself these last four years: a Husker Student-Athlete.

4. My Classes
The reason you come to college is to get a degree, correct? Forever a teacher's pet/nerd (whichever you prefer to call me), I can still honestly say that I LOVE school. 99% of the time, I enjoy going to class and learning new ideas that force me to expand my thought process and challenge existing ideas. One of my goals in life is to never stop learning, and perhaps that's why I've chosen a career that will force me to keep testing, learning, practicing and teaching new ideas. Which shouldn't be too hard because you learn something new everyday, correct?!
Upon completion of my NUTR 455 final next Wednesday, I will graduate May 5th with a Bachelor's degree in Nutrition, Exercise and Health Science with a GPA close to 4.0, but not quite (don't get me started...) On my right shoulder on top of my sexy black graduation gown will also be a fashionable (?) red and white tassel stating I graduated with Honors, thanks to 8 semesters of a little extra work, two seminars, and FINALLY completing and handing in this bad boy...

I loved my major and the classes I took were challenging and bothersome at times, but can honestly say I learned something in each one that I can apply to life. I learned how to cook, what effects all types of food have on the body, the names and functions of every single muscle, bone, and tissue, and what happens during every phase of exercise. As a woman, former college athlete, and now a runner and (hopefully) a future wife and mother, I can apply this knowledge daily, and hope to continue learning and teaching others as the years go by. The University also provided great learning environments for us to work in everyday. Tech savvy lecture halls, real life cadavers for Anatomy labs, all the chemicals you could want/need (for the right reasons...) in Chemistry, and all the Exercise/Health equipment you need for VO2 and Performance testing.

"Proud Dog"
PLEASE tell me someone has seen this 

walking down the hallway in Henzlik.
Gets me every time...

Learning is great, but there were a lot of other things that helped my class experience at UNL be as great as it was. I made a lot of good friends through this major. It was fun to see their smiling faces everyday, sit next to each other, talk about what happened this weekend, and try to hide our giggles when we were supposed to be paying attention. We all had our share of goofy professors with strange sayings and fashion styles, and survived those TAs that we couldn't quite understand. However, all of them were willing to meet us students halfway if we just simply asked for help.
Perhaps a hidden secret to my success is at lot of my friends and I were frequent users of "crack" to stay awake in class, or Crystal Light packets that you can put in your water bottle. (Underclassmen, I'd strongly suggest investing in some...) It will keep you alert and focused any time of day!

Why didn't I think of that?!
You laugh...until they come into
YOUR class
Random class shenanigans also provided a lot of laughs, such as girls with silly putty, karaoke for extra credit points, and Mortarboard/Innocence Society initiations. Who says that going to class can't be a good time??

3. Nebraska Volleyball
From the day I took my visit to UNL in the Spring of 2006, I knew it was the place for me both academically and athletically. I was lucky to have an amazing overall experience as an athlete, even though it certainly had its rough spots. I dreamed of playing for this program ever since I was a little girl, and for it to become a reality is simply mind-blowing and I wonder how I got so lucky...

Oh boy. Freshmen...
Now that my career is over and I'm "retired" at 22, I can look back with pride in hindsight of my career. Sure, the stat sheet or record books probably won't ever remember me, but that wasn't God's plan. From the moment I stepped on campus, I knew my role was going to be running Scout Team. However, it certainly wasn't an easy pill to swallow at times, especially the older I got and less I saw the court. When frustrated, I was always reminded by my coaches, mentors, parents, and other team members to keep working hard and doing what is right, because it's going to pay off someday. As my confidence in myself and faith in the Lord plan took solid hold, I made a choice to give 100% in every single thing I do to make this team better. This included every sprint, every lift, every rep, every ball shagged, and every cheer from the sidelines. This mentality still defines how I still try to live my life today. Like my good friend Johnny Wooden always said..."If you don't have time to do it right the first time, when will you have time to do it over?"

Now THAT'S a B1 effort.
 I quickly took on the role of "servant leader", and tried my hardest to be the best teammate I could and lead by my work ethic example. Coaches and former players always reminded us that it's not about the end result, but about the journey. Some of the best times I will EVER have in my life were involved being apart of this program.
Great Wallin'
 Traveling to Hawaii and China, early morning workouts, going crazy during camp season, constantly traveling in a group of 20, and just hanging out in the locker room. My teammates and I will have memories that will last forever, including inside jokes, life changing moments, and incredible experiences that not too many college kids get the privilege of having.

My Senior year, I recieved one of the biggest honors by getting voted Co-Captain along beside Willy by my teammates. I'd only played in four matches in three years up to that point, so it really meant a lot that they trusted me enough to be one of their leaders! 2011 proved to be a magical season for a special group that had each other's backs and was full of trust and love. This strong bond was especially proven mid-season, when we were faced with some adversity that could have tore us apart, but instead did the opposite. The weekend of Michigan/Michigan St. was one that I will NEVER forget. Not because it was my first start, or that we went 2-0 against two solid teams and kept our Big 10 dreams alive. It's because of all the LOVE I felt going into that weekend by the other athletes, students, the University, and people all around the state. It's incredible how much people do really care about each other, and how a few encouraging words can go a long way. However, the most amount of love came right around me on that 30 x 30 court, as 14 other girls had my back and made sure we got the job done. Together. The Lord provided my final and most important string of support that weekend, and my trust in Him was tested to the max as my teammates and I took the floor those Friday and Saturday nights in November.

                       This picture says it all.
Who says setters can't block?!?
 Although the end of the season didn't end like we wanted, it is so fun to look back on all that this team had went through and conquered. Brooke, Willy, and I shared an awesome Senior Night and farewell to the Coliseum thanks to the best fans in the nation. I will miss playing in front of that crowd every night and hearing the familiar roar to Steve Johnson's announcements and game commentary. If you haven't even been to a Nebraska Volleyball game, put in on your bucket list. NOW. Something special happens each year with that program and it's an amazing thing to have been apart of. I will NEVER forget my experiences, memories, or the people that came with them.
I will forever be proud to call myself a Husker.

Senior Families 
The life of a Student-Athlete was not always glorious, but in the end it was FAR worth it. I'm so thankful for the opportunities that I've had, and now can't even imagine a different college lifestyle.
Tomorrow is the last day of the week and the final parts of the countdown so hang in there everyone...the end is near! Have a good one :)

To be continued...


YOHO ...6, 5...

Happy "Hump Day" everybody...the week is more over halfway over! :)
Today's post focuses on my "home" and the people that made me feel at home in Lincoln.

6. Lakeside
I'm probably one of the very few people that I know that was able to live in the SAME apartment for all  three years off campus, and I loved every day of it. It had a great location not far from campus, was right by a BEAUTIFUL lake (runners' paradise) with dream homes, had the handiest workout room, and of course, the pool. Countless hours were spent in the summer hanging out poolside, and we certainly made sure it was always the place to be on our days off. 

Pool Party! 
Could totally be a Venus commercial...

Lakeside Apartments was pretty much the place to be for a number of other friends and athletes. At any given time, I knew at least one other person in my building and it was super handy (and fun!) to be able to run over somewhere else across the hall or complex and hang out dorm style! We also had a ton of adventures regardless of season, including walks around the neighborhood, sledding down a hill on snow days, riding bikes to find secret spots, porch sitting with people watching , and all kinds of random get togethers. 
Snoooowwwww Daayyyyyyyyy!

Found a little pet by the lake, but unfortunately couldn't keep him :(
Just another Tuesday night...

I am known to be a pack rat/hoarder, so the thought of boxing up all of my "junk" that has accumulated over the last three years terrifies me. Luckily, I have all May to complete this task...so if anyone wants to help/keep me sane, call me up! With all the awesome memories here, it's going to be a sad, sad day when the keys to the 206 are turned in. I'm so fortunate to have been able to live in such a beautiful, safe, and convenient complex!
P.S. If anyone just happens to come across a lost Lakeside parking pass...could ya get that to me before May 31?!
I'd really appreciate it ;)

5. My mentors
I can't even begin to count the lives of the people that have helped shaped me into the woman I've become in the last four years. They've certainly seen me at my highs and my lows, yet have stuck with me and made sure they could do everything is their power to help me succeed. Although I hope to continue to keep in touch, it will be a bummer not seeing all of them around everyday and waving "hi" as a walk past their offices and stopping in for a usual chat. However, I've so fortunate to have crossed path with all of these and many others! With graduation around the corner and another chapter in my life almost summed up, I have to give a HUGE thanks to:

Coach Cook
Who always believed in what I could do not only as a player, but as a person.
Dennis LeBlanc
Who helped shape my career path and worked miracles with my class schedules.
Keith Zimmer
Who showed me the importance of being involved and giving back, all while having a good time.
Laura Buttermore
Who always believed in my strength and appreciated my work ethic in the weight room. 
Jolene Emricson
Who always was there to patch me up, heal my injuries, and keep my butt fired up. Literally!
Lindsey Wisch
Who always offered an honest opinion, good laugh, and trusted to put me in charge of things. 
And no, campers, we are NOT related.
Dan Meske
Who's been a friend, manager, and coach who was always willing to do whatever. 
Professor Young 
Who was one of my favorite teachers and a wonderful thesis and career advisor.

Must have done something right that match...
A fellow Lifter of the Year :) Miss you!
The party doesn't start until Jo-ey gets here
Scout Team All-Americans

With such a beautiful place to live along with fabulous mentors, it's no wonder I've had such a great experience here. If any of you are moving off-campus this summer or in the next couple years, I strongly suggest you check out Lakeside for obvious reasons...you won't be disappointed! My mentors have shared priceless advice with me and have helped me Build more Briges than I could have ever imagined, and for that I am forever grateful.

To be continued...


YOHO ...8, 7...

It's Day 2 of my YOHO Top 10 countdown, and here are #8 and #7...two great spots on campus where I found myself spending a majority of my time when I wasn't practicing or sleeping. Check 'em out!

8. Athletic Facilities and The Landing
One of the many benefits of being a Student-Athlete was the wonderful facilities that we are SO blessed to use everyday. Countless workouts have been done in our top notch weight room, beautiful sand court, and the indoor Hawks field. We also have climbed the stairs of Memorial Stadium a time or two, and if anyone is wondering...there's 97 steps to the top. 
Don't worry, I've double checked. 

Best volleyball training facility in the country!
The Sports Nutrition at Nebraska is phenomenal and I am truly going to miss The Landing. For those of you that don't know, The Landing is probably the greatest snack shop that has existed. Ever. It has everything an athlete dreams of...whether it be you recovery after a workout, fuel up for the next one, or just that sip of gatorade when you need it. I made sure I made a little stop by this bad boy everyday to grab vitamins, post-workout fuel, and a snack for later. It has saved my life (literally, hunger wise) many times!

Luna bar, anyone?
7. The Hew
Speaking of food, I am going to miss dining at the Hewit! They always served the most delicious meals that were ready for me when I came straight from class or practice. What more could a girl ask for? Well, Mom's cooking every night...but this held me over ;)
The Training Table was also a place for socialization with teammates and other athletes, and gave me the lunch break I needed before embarking on another study burst or sitting through a couple more classes. There's still not a clock in there, so we always end up spending a little more time than usual... and I'm perfectly ok with that ;) I listed some of my favorite foods I will dearly miss below, and please let me know if I left any out!

-Tri-color Tortellini
-Wild Rice and Chicken with Teriyaki sauce
-Banana and Vanilla Wafer pudding
-Fresh fruit galore
-Sweet potatoes...in every form
-Fajita/taco Thursdays
-The sandwich line (and the ladies who know my order)
-Thanksgiving dinner (but not the 5 pounds that came with it)
-Baked potato bar
-Coffee and lattes

The Hewit became one of my favorite places to study. It was so nice to have so many options for a quiet place to get some work done in such a beautiful new facility. The computer lab and Shawn were lifesavers on many occasions, you never had to look far to find a plug-in, and I always enjoyed the challenge of finding the best secret spot to nap :)

I don't think any of us realize how blessed we are to be able to workout, study, and hang out in these facilities everyday. It's no wonder we have had so many Academic All-Americans and a high graduation and eligibility exhaustion rate. Like they say...there really is NO place like Nebraska.

To be continued...


YOHO 10, 9...

This week marks my FINAL week of going to classes as a Husker. I honestly cannot believe that I was a freshman a whole four years ago. It seems like just yesterday we were running around the dorms wreaking havoc with our schenanigans, making new friends, and trying to figure out this little thing called college.

Poor Schramm 4...
Smith 8 for lifeeeee

Of course I'm excited about moving onto the next step in my life, but there are so many things that I'm going to miss about living in Lincoln and calling myself a Husker. I've tabulated a YOHO (corny, I know...) Top 10 list of things I'll miss most about UNL, because You're Only a Husker Once! I wish I had a sweet video clip to go along with each of them like ESPN...but a little description and pictures will have to do for now. Enjoy! 

10. East Campus and Riding the Bus
Being a Nutrition and Exercise Science major, I've had a significant number of classes take place on East Campus. Sure, a lot of students make it a goal never to step foot east of 14th and Vine, but I really enjoyed making this trip a couple times every week...especially when I was able to take the bus! It saved me a little gas, was super convenient, and provided a GREAT people watching opportunity (my favorite!) Funny things like this happened quite often...and yes, that's our driver. 
Big gulps, eh? Welp, see ya later!
 It was a nice little break to get away from regular campus, and I really enjoyed the quiet, still, and farmy feel of it. Hands down, East Campus Union is home of the best napping couches in the city...I'd suggest giving them a try sometime! ;)

9. City Campus
I may be a little biased, but I believe that the University of Nebraska-Lincoln is one of the most beautiful campuses in the country. The four seasons are represented so well, and one of my favorite times of year is in the fall when all of the trees turn bright colors and the air is perfectly crisp...not to mention it's volleyball season!
Campus always seems to have "mood" that you can feel while going to class, and a majority of the time it eerily described yourself...such as excitement for the weekends' game, the hurriedness/stress of finals week, or the optimism of a new school year. There are numerous random benches and hang out spots that are very handy to sit down and study, read a book, or just plain people watch on a nice day...and my fellow students never seemed to disappoint! The hourly bell tower chimes add an old-fashion feel, or even a magical one with the occasional the Harry Potter songs :) It's also nice to be able to navigate from one end to another in 10 minutes or less, and no wheels necessary - yet I always had to be on the lookout for crazy bikers and skateboard riding professors. I'm so grateful to have such an aesthetically pleasing and welcoming campus that I was able to call home for four years!

To be continued...


I'll see ya later, Scoots.

"Heaven just got a little better :)"

This text message popped up on my phone early Monday morning from my former high school tennis coach, Mrs. Nancy Cowgill. Her (Mama C) and her husband, Scott (Scoots) were the tag-team tennis coaches at Grand Island. I was one of many players fortunate to practice, play, and learn from these two wonderful mentors. They retired in 2008 and moved to Dallas, TX to be closer to family. In 2009, Mr. Cowgill developed Stage 4 Lymphatic Cancer and was in pretty rough shape for the last couple of years. Sadly, he passed away early Monday morning in his sleep.  He was one of the many individuals who have molded me into the person and athlete I am today, and this post is dedicated to him. It's a little long...so bare with me, but does not even BEGIN to describe the legacy that Scott Cowgill left with his former players, students, and all those who knew him. 

The Cowgills were legendary around the Grand Island community. Their three kids (CJ, Cody, and KC) were standout tennis and basketball stars, and all of them now coach teams of their own around the country. Scott and Nancy both taught PE during the day and coached the boys and girls tennis teams at Senior High. Due to my dad also being a PE teacher, I knew Mr. Cowgill long before I joined his squad as a freshman. I really hadn't had much of a tennis background, but decided to go out for tennis knowing I'd be well coached and stay in shape for volleyball season. 

The Cowgills were certainly tough and made you perform on a daily basis, both physically and mentally. We may not have been the best team in the state, but we were certainly the most conditioned. Everyday before practice, the entire team would do 5 sets of 20 push ups, 20 sit-ups, 20 squats, and 4 line to line sprints and always sometime during practice, we would also get in a mile run. Think I'm exaggerating? Ask ANY former player. 
Needless to say, Scoots and Mama C placed a high value on physical conditioning. They were two of the fittest people that I knew, and both looked 15 years younger than they actually were. They set that example that a healthy, fun lifestyle was easily achievable with just a little bit of motivation and daily dedication. 

Freshman year at Kearney Doubles...taking home the 'Ship!
After graduating six solid seniors in '05, a number of us had a great opportunity to step up and start building up a new varsity squad my in 2006. It started off a little rough, but we certainly came to learn what was expected out of us as players and as people each day at practice. Discipline and mental toughness started to take a solid hold, as we were reminded daily that tennis is a "skill" sport. Meaning in order to be successful, we didn't have to be the most athletic, fastest, or tallest...we just had to know how to hit the ball. A LOT of balls. 

Kassy and I with the Cowgills after getting 3rd at State in #2 Doubles in 2006. 
With a year under our belts, my teammates and I started to understand the man behind the madness in Mr. Cowgill. He had the quirkiest sayings that would just make you want to say "whattttt?!" and they still make us giggle today. 
Below are some of my personal favorites, along with the (English translation.)

"Hit the bricks, scrubs." (Hit the track)
"Mariah's kissin' it today, boys." (It's windy out here)
"Tennis players always check the wind." (Know your conditions before you play.)
"Squat 'em and squash 'em!" (Get loaded under overhead and rip em!)
"Pepsi-Cola that ball!" (Bounce it over the fence.)
"Quit dippin' your beaks." (Hurry up with that water break)
"Get out of the net. You look like a frickin tuna fish." (Stop hitting the net!)
"Sorry saps are always second place." (Losers...)
"It's just like putting my foot in a pillow, Helleburg." (These shoes are so comfy)

HAC Conference champs in 2007 and showing off with our "cheerleader" pose :)
Some of my best high school memories were formed on road trips, and traveling was always an adventure with the Cowgills. Scoots always had his left foot up on the dash while driving, and when we asked him about this "safety hazard", he asked us again how old we were (15, at the time) and how our driving was going. Ouch. He also LOVED SportsTalk radio, and the constant noise would always drone on (and on and on), and we couldn't WAIT to get out of the van before we went absolutely crazy. On overnight trips to tournaments, they always made sure we went out to a nice meal the night before and were rewarded with a nice ice cream treat at Cold Stone (after playing well, of course.) Wherever we went, he wasn't found without plenty of chewing gum, a flat-top haircut, a perfectly matching sweatsuit, and those flashy white Nikes. 

Cowgills and Top 6 at State in 2007!

The Cowgills also had unwritten "rules" that became our standard. 

-Be out hitting by 3:45 everyday. 3:46, you're running a mile.
-Never hit the net, ground, fence, or any other object with your racket out of frustration. If you do, that's a mile. 
-If you don't know the call, it's in.
-There are 3 P's. Percentage, placement, and power. Importance in that order.
-NEVER wear a glove on your racquet hand. Opposite hand allowed below 32*.
-No win on the road = No stop for food. 
-Your spot on the ladder is your spot, and must be earned and held by winning challenge matches.
-Don't play a challenge match, automatic loss. No excuses.
-Whatever you do, DO IT RIGHT. 

We always knew that Mr. Cowgill was always watching from somewhere!
The Cowgills wanted to make sure we were also the toughest team mentally. By my senior year, we could proudly say this was true. However, getting to this point was not easy. On multiple occasions I remember him kicking chairs down hills, slamming van doors, and telling us to simply "find a way" to win. Or else. 

Once my sophomore year, I remember crying and being upset about losing not only my match, but the meet for the team on a 4-5 decision. I wasn't greeted by Mr. Cowgill with "sap" or empathy, but he simply said "Crying doesn't mean jack, Root. You gotta get tough." and walked off. From that point on, I never cried after a match again and "tough love" was given a new meaning. 

2008 Fremont Champs!
 About once a week (not kidding) Mr. Cowgill would ask us "You guys know who Johnny Wooden is??" and then tell us a fun fact, lesson, or quote by him while conditioning. Coach Wooden was his hero, and he certainly instilled the same values in us as did the UCLA basketball teams. Whenever I read anything by Wooden, I can't help to smile and think of Scoots.

Pops, Mama, and our little "family" after placing 4th at State in 2008
Sharon, Alicia, Kelsie, me, Weidel, and Jenna
My senior year, our team went undefeated in duals, got second at Conference, and got fourth overall in Class A at state, with five out of the six of us medalling. I also ended up winning it all in #2 Singles, beating two girls who were by far better, but won on account of my conditioning and mental toughness on a 90* afternoon in May. I was so happy to be able to send Cowgills off to their retirement on a winning note. It also served as a last "thank you" for all that they had taught me over the last four years, which finally paid off on the last day of my tennis career. Former teammates and I joke that if you can make it through four years with the Cowgills, you can do anything.

I owe every ounce of that gold medal to them. Thanks for the memories, Scoots!
After high school, I kept in frequent touch with the Cowgills and they were a great source of encouragement during my time at Nebraska. Out of anyone in the world, it's completely mind boggling that HE, of all people, would be the one to develop cancer. He made a large impact on those with whom he crossed paths in Texas, especially the Hebron High School volleyball team. It's not surprising to me at all that he continued to spread inspiration through the storm of his sickness. 

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to see them again before he passed. Throughout his entire journey, I never once heard a complaint from Scoots nor Mama C, just 100% positivity. He said to me at the beginning of his journey that treatment is "just like training for a marathon, a day to day battle." Even after his passing, Mama C continues to be a source of complete positivity that amazes and serves as an inspiration to us all. 

The Cowgills were truly two of the greatest mentors, and I thank the Lord that I was SO fortunate to have learned and shared so much time with both of them, especially Scoots. I will continue to Build more Briges on the life lessons that Mr. Cowgill taught me, and hope to continue his legacy. 

Thanks for everything, Scoots!

The Cowgills were strong believers, and I can't wait to be reunited with Mr. C again someday and reminisce about all the memories. These verses are the perfect encouragement and reminder!

"But we do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about those who are asleep, that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope. For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so, through Jesus, God will bring with him those who have fallen asleep. For this we declare to you by a word from the Lord, that we who are alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, will not precede those who have fallen asleep.For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord."

1 Thessalonians 4:13-17