He's not a Hummer, an Escalade, or a Mustang.
He has roll down windows, two oversized doors, and a cutting edge CD player.
Meet my 1999 Pontiac Sunfire.
He's acquired the respectable title of the "Green Bomber" and rightfully so. We've spent almost every day of the past six years together, and he is truly the definition of a champ. Great gas milage, almost zero maintenance, and can bust through any snow-filled street as good as a 4-Wheel Drive Dodge pickup. My friends all know my notorious vehicle by name, and I never doubted his ability to get me from A to B. This past week, we sadly had to say goodbye.
I recieved Green Bomb for my 16th birthday back in 2006. It was a gift from my parents and grandparents, and I was pleasantly surprised (giddy, really) when I came home from school and found this little beauty waiting the in garage! Little did I know of the adventures ahead...
I dug through some old photos and found some from the day I got him!
They were worth a good laugh, including my attire :)
Green Bomb helped me navigate through the vicious streets of GI on a daily basis. On many occasions, he was a taxi for my brothers and friends, a closet for sweaty clothes and tennis racquets, and was even the victim of a couple car-chalking pranks!
In 2008, I made the trip down I-80 to start my career as a Husker and GB was with me every mile, lugging my excessive amount of dorm attire and "necessities" to start my new life. I was one of the few freshman out of my friends to have a vehicle in Lincoln, so he came in pretty handy for grocery store runs, weekend night schenanigans, and random getaways. My friends grew to love and respect the Green Bomb as much as I did, and we always had a good time with a CD blasting, sunroof open, and windows down :)

KJ and I going on two of many adventures.
Same exact picture, three years apart!
He was always a good sport, even during this little cruise out in the country teaching a very underage (and inexperienced) Braedon how to drive...
A lot of tears, screams, laugher, off-key singing, and one-ended conversations have happened while sitting in that driver's seat. It's sad to part with such a dear "friend", but as with everything in life...it's important to remember the journey. Over past six years, I've transformed into a completely new woman, and there's no other car in the world I would have loved to share it all and Build more Briges with than
The Green Bomber.
So here's to you, GB. You left a legacy and job well done.
Love always and RIP,
If you've ever been without a car for an extended period of time, it's very humbling. We tend to forget how spoiled we are in the 21st century, and must keep in perspective how much material things matter (and should matter) in our daily lives.
This verse was a GREAT reminder for this week.
"For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that."
1 Timothy 6:7-8
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