
So, what are you doing these days?

Well hellooooooo there!
I know, I know. It's been a while. I could blame my absence on several different factors, but I'll save my breath and cut to the chase. If you're ready to see what kind of schenanigans I've been into...
scroll on.

Just your typical Husker camp :)
Thompson Square concert in Louisville.
 Go Cards!
Willy and I taking a break from camps to
enjoy an gorgeous summer night.
After finishing my career as a volleyball player last December and graduating this spring, I've had to divert from my Lincoln routine that's come to be so familiar the last four years. This summer was nomadic, as I was fortunate enough to coach a number of volleyball camps across the state with my pal Jordan Wilberger. About half of the summer was spent at the Coliseum working Husker camps, but the other half was visiting great high schools in Nebraska City, Blue Hill, Ord, Ogallala, Alliance, and Scottsbluff. I also was lucky to take some mini vacations: quick trips home with my family, a week down in Louisville with Kaitlynn, and time down south in Dallas. Sadly, all fun (and sun!) must come to an end, so at the beginning of August, I packed up Rosie and headed east down I-80 to my NEW home in Omaha, Nebraska.
That was only the first load...

Since I stepped foot into my new apartment, it's been quite the transition stage. They say change is hard, but it really hits when you're not doing the same routine that you've been used to for the past four years. Regardless, it's allowed me to grow so much as an individual, and really find out what I'm made out of. Most importantly, my relationship with the Lord has grown tenfold, as He has been and always will be the constant in my life that I can depend on. Also, I am reminded that my life is a part of HIS plan and HIS timing, not my own. After almost 4 months of calling it "Homaha", I think I'm finally getting the hang of it. To give you a little taste of life in the Big O, here's a couple FAQ's...

"So, what exactly are you studying down there?"
Um, my life?
Officially official. 
The reason I decided to make this lovely move was to attend school at the University of Nebraska Medical Center as a Radiography student. Basically, I'm learning to take x-rays. It's a 21-month program that started in August and will finish up in May of 2014. There's 5 "semesters" (fall, spring, summer, fall, spring) that we complete until we are allowed to take Boards apply for jobs. Currently, we're in the clinic "working" from 8-4 on Monday and Wednesdays, and then have classes on Tuesdays, Thursday, and every other Friday. I've loved being in the hospital, getting hands on, and working with real patients. Our little class of twelve has become quite a tight group, and it's been awesome to get to know friends from all around the state and different backgrounds. It's crazy the first semester is almost complete...only a couple more weeks to go!

Who WOULDN'T want an x-ray from us?
Mentors and mentees

"So, how's life without volleyball?"
2011 B1G Champs! 
Alumni Night with my favorite Co-Captain :)

Maddie and I at Century Link Center
I don't think I could honestly answer this question, because I feel like my life has NEVER been without the sport, nor will it probably ever be. Not being a Husker this fall has certainly been different, and I miss it dearly at times. However, I couldn't have asked for a better career as a player and I'm happy to close that chapter in my life and transition more into the coach role.
From coaching club this spring and camps/lessons this summer, I've fell more in love with the game than ever. I've been able to get in the gym this fall by coaching personal lessons in Omaha and Friday night Academy sessions for VCNebraska in Lincoln. I'm also joining the 16's club world once again in January, but this year for G1 Club in Gretna and am SO excited to work with my new team!
 However, I still get my little playing fix when our class's intramural volleyball team takes on other UNMC programs on Thursday nights as Team Rad. And of course, I'm always within a TV, computer, radio, or tweet's length away from the Huskers' matches this year, and even got see my girls in action for a couple matches! So no, I'm not jet-setting across the country each weekend, and sometimes I really don't know what to do with myself at 4:30 in the afternoons...but you won't EVER find me far from a gym, net, and volleyballs.

"So, what else do you do with your time?"
It's incredible how much time being a student-athlete takes (especially in season), and what's even MORE incredible is how little you notice how busy you are until...you're not. This was my biggest struggle this fall, not knowing what to do with myself and plain old boredom. Once a routine with school and volleyball started it was better, but again, this change allowed me to do things I haven't been able to do before and it's been awesome. Below are some thing I've become quite fond of in my new life as a "norm"...

In Lincoln, I attended a bible study and church every week. Unfortunately, I was so busy that I was only able to pop in, worship, hear a lesson, and pop out. My main goal coming to Omaha was to find a church I could really get involved with and connect with other believers. My prayers were answered, as I've found a home at Steadfast Bible. It's a smaller church where familiar faces are seen every Sunday, and I'm in a LifeGroup with six other lovely ladies that meets once a week. I spent a relaxing weekend at the Women's Retreat in October and have been able to not only met new pals, but also reconnected with old ones. If you're in Omaha and wanna check it out some Sunday, just let me know! 

I'm not sure if it's just the endorphins talking, but I've definitely become hooked on running. Along the amazing physical benefits, it's a mental lifesaver. It's been the perfect way for me to clear my mind or just GET MOVING after a long session of sitting and studying. Kelly and I ran a 15K in the middle of October in Lincoln, and that was the last of my 2012 races. I can't wait to start planning ones for 2013, but as for the colder weather coming (nooooo!) my outdoor jogs on the bike trail will be cut down to a minimum. But have no fear, I'm looking forward to indoor activities; such as lifting, boot camps, and yoga to build up some strength for another season. 

Friend, neighbor, classmate...
now roomie!
Tailgating with my favorite dietitian!
This fall, I've been able to do some other little things that I love doing, but never quite "had time." These included getting hooked on TV series, reading (yes, for fun), cooking, journaling, and traveling. Having free weekends to spend time with friends in Lincoln or Grand Island has been wonderful, especially to catch my
brothers' tennis and basketball action. When I need a "home" environment, a quick trip to visit my cousins across town has been a lifesaver. A friendly face is also found in my roommate, Megan, who I've known since 5th grade and is my family's neighbor in Grand Island. Whether Facebook creeping on hometown homies or just procrastinating our studies together (she's a Pharmacy student at UNMC), we always manage to have a good time together :)

Miss Nettie Jean Rhodes

Tennis studs and their biggest fans
Love cousin time

...aaaaand that's the last four months of my life in a four minute synopsis. This transition time in my life certainly is a day by day process, but I've had SO many opportunities to Build Briges with countless people. I know this will continue to grow in the coming weeks, months, and years as I put down roots and establish myself as a young professional. I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends and are getting ready for another holiday season!

Until next time,

This time in my life has been a great learning tool to stay in the moment with the Lord and trust His timing and purpose. It's also taught me to appreciate each day I wake, and not be afraid to spend time simply lovin' life.

Psalm 118:24
"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it." 


Magnificent May

Hey everybody!
The month of May was quite a whirlwind, yet I couldn't have asked for a better one! Surpassing a couple huge milestones, surviving two weekends in a row of Root graduations, catching up with old friends, the beginning of volleyball camps, and moving out of my apartment has kept me a busy busy girl. It's been a while since I posted, so here's what I've been up to in a nutshell...enjoy!

Friday, May 4th
CEHS Honors Banquet 
The College of Education and Human Sciences got together and awarded the top Nutrition, Fashion, and Teaching majors in the 2012 Class. You might be asking why these three unique majors are thrown together into a college, but as Dean Kostelnik said, "We clothe, feed, and educated people...what more do they need?!" It was also a great last chance to say goodbye and thanks to my thesis advisor and professor of multiple classes, Mrs. Young!

My smarts had to come from somewhere ;)
Ms. Dean herself
Professor Young
Saturday, May 5th
Graduation Day!
I officially joined the largest class in UNL history, crossed the stage, shook the Dean's hand, and got my Bachelor's degree after four years of hard work! After the ceremony, the athletics staff hosted a little party for all the seniors up in the skyboxes that my entire family (and I mean ENTIRE) got to attend. As a thank you for coming and reward for their patience, I took my grandparents, aunt and uncle, and cousins on a tour of the stadium and our beautiful athletic facilities! It was great to see everyone, spend the day together, and celebrate :)
We did it!
Nutrition for liiiiife :)

10 points if you can find me...
The most expensive piece of paper I'll ever receive...
Isn't it pretty?!
Sup, Tom?
A lil roomie love

Good lookin group ;)

The best grandparents EVER
My second family :)

Sunday, May 6th
Kelly and I laced up our shoes, secured our racing bibs, lined up with 10,000 of our closest friends, and took off for a measly 13.1 mile jog Sunday morning as part of the Lincoln Marathon.  I was a little nervous about the weather when I woke up (pooooouring rain), but thankfully it turned out to be a beautifully perfect day! The race itself was a lot of fun, the amount of people that came out to support all the runners was incredible, and they were the perfect burst of energy that I needed to keep going. It was such a great feeling to finish and can't wait to run many more!

The Route
Al...mo...st... Th...e..re...
Running buddies :)

My results: met my goal of under 1:45!

Friday, May 11th
Broderic's Graduation Party
After a long day of setting up decorations, cracking up at old pictures, and putting live fish in bowls by hand (yeah, don't ask...), it was finally party time! I loved being able to see and catch up with so many family, friends, and old teachers and Broderic was SO EXITED about being the center of attention!  For those of you that don't know, Brod has been diagnosed with Autism since he was 3, and has been something that he and our family has been challenged with throughout the years. However, he is one of the most positive, inspirational, and best people that I know...and this was proven by the number of people and kind words said at his party. If you haven't ever had the chance to meet him, you need to! :)

My "little" brother and I
Saturday, May 12th
DBU Game
Saturday morning, I made the trip down I-80 to go watch Boomer's team (Dallas Baptist) play Creighton at TD Ameritrade. It was SO great to see, spend the day, and catch up with my favorite guy and finally meet some of his teammates and friends! DBU won the game 5-2, and hopefully they will make it to the CWS in June so I can see him again soon :)

Hang out with these two, and your 
baseball knowledge will increase tenfold...
Such a studddd! :)
Sunday, May 13th
GISH Graduation
This was a HUGE day for Broderic, as he was finally able to cross the stage as an Islander Graduate and get that diploma. He had a giant smile across his face the entire day, and I'm pretty sure no one else could stop smiling either because it was just too darn contagious. I'm SO proud of him and can't wait to see what he's going to accomplish next! When asked what he was going to do on Monday (his first day off), he simply replied "sleep in"...as if there was anything else that matter?! :)

Wearing the Purple and Gold with pride :)
Wednesday, May 16th
The Last Supper
It was Maddie's last day in town (sniff sniff), so a bunch of us went out to eat to celebrate our last time all being together! We enjoyed a night full of good company, margaritas, plenty of laughs, and old stories from our "younger" days. It was the perfect ending to the school year and kick-off to summer! 

A whole 4 years together!
We enjoy each other's company a tiny bit...
Sunday, May 20th
Fire and Ice
After spending an entire week in Lincoln, it was sadly time for my bestie Kaitlynn to head back to Kentucky again. We had so much fun working out together, playing beach, catching up, laughing hysterically, tweeting/twitpic-ing, and of course, hanging out by the pool and getting our tan on. I will miss this girl so much but am SO excited to go visit her over 4th of July! Watch out Louisville, Fire and Ice is coming to town. 

Girls' night!
May 21st-23rd
And so it begins...
Jordan and I started our Summer Camps out in Nebraska City. It was a fun (and crazy) three days with the middle schoolers, and I throughly enjoyed catching up and hearing old stories over lunch with Grandma Betty! One camp down, many more to come...

May 25th-28th
Family Time
My youngest brother Brennon plays on the Bison team for GISH, and their annual tournament was held this past weekend in Lincoln. Also on Fridays, Braedon plays in a summer league with the Islanders...so needless to say I got a LOT of basketball watching in that weekend. In between games, my family helped me move and took home a bunch of my "big stuff" that wouldn't fit into my summer home, so I owe them a huge thank you :) On top of it all, it was great to spend some time and catch up with everyone, and Brennon's team even ended up taking home the Silver Championship!

Braedon rocking #33 and the brightest shoes in the gym
Brennon (#5) playing a little D 
May 31st
Pack it in, clean it up, and move it out!
Ladies and gentleman, the day has finally come. After THREE solid years, I am no longer a Lakeside resident! After countless hours of packing and cleaning over the past couple weeks (yes, weeks), the keys were finally handed in on Thursday. Thanks for all the memories, 206!

Deuces, Lakeside!

Whoooooooowe...I told you it was a crazy month! It's been quite a lot to reflect on, and I am SO BLESSED for every situation I've had the opportunity to encounter and each person that I've interacted with in this stage of my life. Sure, the next couple months will be crazy with tons of camps and plenty of uncertainties, but I can't wait to see what the Lord has in store and the Briges that will be Built. 
Hope everyone's summer is off to a great start as well!

So until next time, 
Brig :)

Sometimes I can't imagine how I'm going to fit everything in such a short period of time, or how things are going to all work out. This verse is PERFECT to remember for those mini moments of panic :)

Romans 8:28
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."


YOHO ...2, 1!

Well friends, it's Friday! For all my fellow students, it's finanally the end of dead week and I hope you all still find yourselves alive (har!)
Here is the last post of my YOHO Top 10 countdown, and it's the two things that I will miss most about living in Lincoln...enjoy!

2. My roommate
As an incoming freshman, I had three choices for my new roommate. Another volleyball player, a regular
student, or an athlete from another sport. 
I took Option C, and it's one of the best decisions I've ever made. My coach got together with the golf coach and decided that newcomer Madeleine Sheils from Boise, Idaho and I would be a good match because of our character and strong shared interest in academics.

Little did I know, my roommate of Smith 810 would become one of my dearest friends in Lincoln. 
After surviving a whirlwind freshman year in a 12 x 12 box without a TV, we decided to get an off-campus apartment together. We finally settled on Lakeside, and have called it home ever since!
 (See #6) 
You name it, we have literally been through it together. 

Performance frustrations, teammate and friend drama, nosy parents, boys boys boys, academics, life plans, laughing without breathing, countless inside jokes moments of success, embarrassing lows, 15 hour drives across the country, and even free falling 12,000 feet. I could have not asked for a better roommate, and the Lord certainly answered my prayers with this one!

Maddie is quite the golfer and will graduate from the University in December 2012. However, she has decided to turn pro, earn a spot on the LPGA tour, and she will DEFINITELY be one to keep an eye on! She begins her Big 10 Championship tourney today...so wish her a little luck :)

Although we will be miles and states apart, I know that I can always call her up for an honest and thoughtful opinon, a listening ear, and someone to join in my sarcastic sense of humor. 
Huge thanks to her for putting up with me and my craziness for four years...
There's no one I would have rather "grown up" with! :) 

1. My fellow Huskers
It's funny how fast relationships can form from the most unlikely situations. I truly believe that the Lord puts people in your life for a reason, and that's certainly true of my college experience. A majority of  my good friends I have met through UNL, and I couldn't have asked for neater people.

Some of them I've met through the dorms, my classes, hanging around the Hewit, or meeting at totally random places. Whatever the case, I adore the people I've met on this journey, and love spending time with each of them.

After this month, a majority of us will part ways but hopefully we will be able to keep in touch throughout the years. Our generation has plagued by social media, but hopefully we can use it to our advantage to somewhat keep updated on each others' lives as our paths grow farther apart.

Some friends have already moved away to different states, and I'm truly lucky to say that I know someone in almost every corner of the country! When I am older (and have a substantially larger bank account), I
can't WAIT to take trips to visit old college pals, catch up, and reminisce about our "glory days."

Somebody once told me that the more you hang around someone, the more like them you become. Therefore, the goal is to surround yourself with positive people that inspire and encourage you to be the best version of yourself that you can be. I believe each of the people in these pictures has shaped me for the better, and I hope all of your friends do the same for you. I've learned to never take for granted the time you have with someone, because you never know when it will end! Tell one of your friends how much you love and appreciate their company today :)

And so, the countdown is complete! For those of you who are familiar with ESPN's Top 10, you know they always have a "Best of the Best" at the end of each segment. So, you guys as my readers have a chance to tell me what you think is our "Best of the Best" memory together here at UNL or in the last four years. It can be any of the above, or remind me of another time...I'd love to hear 'em!

As you can see, I've had quite the magical journey, one that I couldn't have dreamed of planning out for myself. I've been so blessed to Build so many Briges these last few years by meeting incredible people, forming solid relationships, and accomplishing "impossible" feats. I'm so thankful for all the opportunities the Lord has given me, and can't WAIT to see what He has in store for my future!

Until next time,

This is a perfect verse and reminder for this particular fraction in time: 

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 

"For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:
a time to be born, and a time to die;
a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted;
a time to kill, and a time to heal;
a time to break down, and a time to build up;
a time to weep, and a time to laugh;
a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
a time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together;
a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
a time to seek, and a time to lose;
a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
a time to tear, and a time to sew;
a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
a time to love, and a time to hate;
a time for war, and a time for peace."